You can learn a lot from the spider. Let’s discuss 6 lessons a simple spider can teach us.
Nature can be harsh, but it is also very loving. We can learn a lot from all of nature’s creatures if we love and respect our connection to it, and are open to its teachings.
What life lessons can we learn from a common spider? Let’s find out…
1 .) Create Strong Assets That Support Future Needs
The Spider works hard on its web once, then relaxes while the web works for it.
2.) Location Is Very Important To Your Health
Spiders know that location is important to its wellbeing and health. Their webs must be spun in the most strategic of locations in order to be highly successful. A bad location on the other hand can be unhealthy, dangerous, and even life-threatening.
3.) Have Faith In Your Abilities
Spiders know what they are capable of spinning. Instinctively they know what needs to be done, and they do it. They get started and believe in their natural ability.
4.) Patience Is A Virtue
A spider may have to wait many months for all the right elements come together perfectly to create just the right scenario before all its efforts come to fruition.
5.) Plan For The Worst
If you tear down a spider’s web, the spider does not even seem to be disheartened by the event in any way when it comes to the need to rebuild. It’s like they have been expecting it all along, anticipating the event, and have already been preparing to rebuild things ‘better’ as soon as they are given the opportunity.
6.) Never Give Up
Spiders are resilient, and do not give up. Tear their home down and they will build a new one within hours, most likely even stronger than before. They will succeed, or die trying.
Well, there you go. If you can think of any more, feel free to write your thoughts in the comments. 🙂
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