TAKE NOTE: I don’t ever remember getting a flu shot. Certainly never as an adult. I drink a splash of ‘Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar‘ almost every day with my tea and I haven’t been sick with a cold or flu in over 5 years now. Coincidence? I think not.
I also add Kratom, Lemon Juice, Maple Syrup, and Cayenne pepper to my tea which is also all very healthy stuff. When someone is sick with a cold or the flu and they’re around me, I don’t even get nervous thinking that I might catch it because I know my immune system pretty well by now and I know how to keep it strong.
If I was to have been partying hard, eating unhealthy, sleep-deprived and or maybe stressed out about something, that would be a different story. Those are the elements that weaken the immune system.
Lack of exercise will also weaken your immune system but too much exercise will leave your body in a state of shock which could also reduce immunity.
Thinking negative thoughts, holding grudges, bitterness and hate will also surely take a toll on your health. Worse than a cold or flu, many of these emotions will manifest into serious diseases over time if you’re not able to let these emotions go.
My point is, I believe there are much better alternatives to flu shots.
Would you rather pay someone to inject you each year with a flu shot containing the following:
- Influenza viruses
- Formaldehyde (toxic and potentially lethal in high doses)
- Aluminum Salts (neurotoxic)
- Thimerosal (preservative)
- Chicken egg proteins
- Gelatin
- Antibiotics
Or, would you rather just take a swig of some delicious Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar a few times a week and get a little exercise? The choice sounds easy to me. Ok, granted, some people might not think of it as delicious, but I’ve found that it’s an acquired taste that grows on you over time. I even enjoy using it to occasionally swish with if I have a funny taste in my mouth. It works great!
Actually, I began this post by comparing flu shots to Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar because I know that most everyone is familiar with Bragg’s. However, there is an Apple Cider Vinegar that I enjoy even more than Bragg’s. It’s healthier too. It’s called “Vinegar of the Four Thieves – Sacred Seven Shen Tonic” and it’s from a company named “OAK CREEK APPLE COMPANY.”
I’m not a reseller or an affiliate of theirs. Just a fan that doesn’t mind raving about their quality health products.
Whatever you do, please be healthy and take good care of yourself. I love you!