How much do you pay attention to the true intentions of others? How often do you consider them? Here’s why they’re so important…

The true ‘intentions’ behind each action (spoken or unspoken) is what I’ve learned to focus on the most. That’s really the only
There’s a big difference between intentions and behaviors. While someone’s intentions aren’t always obvious, I think they become more and more obvious the more we learn to look for them and put importance on them.
If it’s ever cryptic or uncertain, one can say, “I’m receiving your words or actions in this way. Was that your intention?” This will usually clarify the intent of the person in question, but not always. If nothing else, it will put them on the spot and force them to address their intentions of being honest more consciously.
I believe most people want to be seen and understood wholeheartedly but that’s not possible unless good intentions are present and very clear.
Good intentions, with bad results, are forgivable.
Bad intentions, with good results, on the other hand, are not so forgivable.
All and all, those who harbor bad intentions are really hurting themselves the most… but they will take you down with them if you let them, so please, pay close attention to the deepest intentions of others and know that these intentions are very powerful!
I would go as far as to say that understanding one’s deeper intentions brings you closer than if you knew one’s entire life story. We are not our past as much as we are who we intend to be, and what we intend to do for our self and others.