“Religion is belief in someone else’s experience. Spirituality is having you own experience.”
I would like to elaborate on this hopefully without taking away from the power within the simplicity of the statement above. It is an obvious statement to anyone I would would imagine. Seriously, who could even hold an argument to this?
I ask myself, why would anyone prefer to believe in someone else’s experience; so strongly that they would devote their entire life to some one else’s visions about who we are, what we should do or shouldn’t do, how we should act, who we should answer to, who we should like or not like, who and what we should kill, who and what we shouldn’t kill, why certain actions are righteous and holy in some cases but not in other cases… I could go on and on.
Now we have entire nations built and operating on values passed down and enforced by religious institutions dating back to the crusades. I’m not saying this is right or wrong. I’m just pointing out what is. I will say, this was and always will be a means of control.
Now I can respect anyones path and I honor everyones journey but I still ask myself why? Why would someone in this day and time chose to follow instead of lead? I myself have tried to follow religious sects with blind faith. I was raised a Born Again Christian through most of my childhood and younger years. I blindly believed what I was told but I always had a lot of questions trying to make sense of it all. Trying to understand why so many things I was told to believe didn’t resinate with me. I imagine this was always the case but in the older days you would be ostracized for questioning such matters. Burned at the stake even. People soon learned that if you want to fit in it is best to conform and as we all know if you lie to yourself long enough you start believing your own lies. The mind is very powerful and a strong belief in something is all that is needed to create a reality. However, that reality is only real to those who invest attention and energy into that reality construct.
Since the age of about 15 I decide to take another path. The path of spirituality. The path of self exploration. The path of truth… “my truth.” This truth doesn’t have to be anyone else’s truth. We can have different truths. That’s part of what makes us unique.
There are tools to help us find our own inner truth. Ayahuasca and DMT being some of the most powerful tools. Ayahuasca being a very powerful plant medicine usually only administered and guided by an experienced Shaman. DMT (dimethyltryptamine) is a a naturally occurring hallucinogenic compound produced in your pineal gland, also known as your 3rd eye and is one of the main visionary compounds in Ayahuasca. Isn’t it interesting that these substances are not harmful or addictive in anyway, yet they are illegal in the US and in most countries outside of South America. We all have DMT in our one bodies and yet it is still illegal to cultivate and experiment with for personal enlightenment. Ayahuasca itself have been extremely useful in helping numerous people overcome addictions such as heroin and alcoholism as well as aid in the healing of childhood traumas. It is very clear why the powers that be have outlawed such powerful substances in the US. They fear our spiritual liberation.
I’m not saying that the only way to find your personal truths is through psychedelics. I’m just saying no faith is actually needed to experience the powerful insight and enlightenment that psychedelics have to offer. Ancient Gurus, Guides, and Shamans all worked with sacred plant medicine to guide their own personal journeys and help break free from the illusions.
Plant medicine may not be of any interest to you and that’s Ok. I think the most important aspect to ignite your own spiritual liberation is to get in touch with your heart. Your emotions speak to you very clearly and have an intelligence of their own. I feel the government would make them illegal if they only could. They do try disconnect you from your emotions. If you are a man you are taught that emotions will make you weak. If you are a woman you are taught that you should be ashamed of your emotions and god knows we are provided plenty of tools to suppress, numb, and control our emotions. Drugs, alcohol, simulated drama on TV and Radio, etc… This is not only offered to us, it’s pushed upon us… all with the intent of controlling our consciousness and disempowering us so that we willingly assist in someone else’s desires and agenda.
How many of you are ready to wake up from the illusion? The time is now!