Einstein once said…
“If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.”
~ Albert Einstein
This is because goals create a sense of “purpose”… even if that purpose is just to attain a certain goal. With all due respect, I would like to improve Mr. Einstein quote by changing it to:
“If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a purpose, not to people or things.”
~ Neil Sargisian
Goals can be big or small but a purpose is always a big deal. Any goal worth having is inspired by a purpose.
My purpose is to continue to learn, experience, understand, grow, share, love, create, inspire, contribute, and unite. That’s what brings me the most joy. The experiencing, understanding, and growing parts are sometimes challenging. But who in their right mind would want to play a game that wasn’t a bit challenging at times anyway? That is to assume we are all even playing on purpose ( play on words ). Maybe we are unknowingly actually playing someone elses game, simply because we have not constructed a game of our own worth truly playing. This begins with PURPOSE. Now, with a purpose, you can play the game with allies who share the same purpose. Finding your purpose will always align you with allies, and with such you will have more love for the game. In this game you can’t really lose because the only thing at risk are your illusions, and the emotions you have tied to your ‘perceived’ reality. Even when we lose, we win. It’s all just a thrill ride down the rabbit hole into self discovery land.
Don’t get me wrong. I am in no way putting down goals. Goals can be wonderful but a purpose will align you with reason and give deep meaning to your life on a quantum level.
Thank you for sharing it with me and Happy Gregorian New Year!